Ξliott Palueau

Web developer

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About Me

Hi welcome to my website!
I’m 24, I’m a 🇫🇷 student at Epitech Rennes since 2018, currently learning web and mobile development.
I love learning new things and my goal is to be a fullstack developer and to work on many web & mobile projects.
Apart from that, my other passions include art (especially cinema and music) and travelling.


Here you can find some projects I made for school or on my own to learn stuff.


Mobile application implementing Imgur API.


Web dashboard fully customizable with widgets.

Game Jams

3 video games made during game jam weekends.


Software suite implementing Action -> Reaction features.


Mobile application implementing barcode scanner.

Personal website

The website you are looking at right now.

Training-APA website

Website for the Training APA company.


My timeline since I started programming.

  • September 2018 - August 2024


    Started studying at Epitech Rennes

    Realization of numerous projects in various fields: graphic programming, mathematics, system programming, web/mobile development, algorithmic…

    Languages learned (non exhaustive): C, C++, Javascript, Python

  • September-December 2019


    Front-End developer (fulltime) - Leeve

    Internship as a front-end developer at Leeve, a start-up based in Rennes developing a mobile application based on languages and relationships.

    Languages used: Angular, Typescript

  • image alt text

    April-July 2021


    Fullstack developer (fulltime) - Linaïa

    Internship as a fullstack developer in the Linaïa agency, working on the MyFamiliz project, a mobile application aimed at families, helping them having a better organization..

    Languages used: React Native (expo), Javascript, MongoDb

  • September 2021 - July 2022


    Teaching assistant (fulltime) - Epitech Rennes

    In charge of several projects on 3 different promotions.
    Organization and animation of many activities: kick-offs, project follow-ups, code and project reviews, evaluations, keynotes.
    Assistance and advices to answer questions about code or the school.

    Languages taught: C, Javascript

  • July 2022 - May 2023


    Started studying at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

    Studying 2 semesters as an exchange student in Computer Science.

    Languages learned: Php, MySQL, Java

  • November 2022 - August 2023


    Web developer (part-time) - The Insight Lab

    Working on a mobile application built using Shopify, aimed at vendors of jewellery stores.

    Languages used: ReactJs, Typescript, Shopify, HTML, CSS

  • September 2023 - Present


    Freelance web developer

    Working on various projects for clients.

    Languages used: Javascript, Typescript, ReactJs, React Native, Shopify, HTML, CSS

  • What's next?


Here is a non-exhaustive list of my core skills and some skills that I want to improve.

Technical Skills:

  • 🎨 Front-End development
  • 🔀 Git
  • 📦 Object oriented programming
Want to improve:
  • 🔑 Back-End development
  • 🐳 Devops

Soft Skills:

  • 🗂 Organisation
  • 🏃‍♂️ Autonomy
  • 👑 Leadership
Want to improve:
  • 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Team work
  • 🗣 Communication

Contact me

Want to contact me for a project? Feel free to email me!

You can also check my Malt profile below.